Wanna make money through blog?

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Want to make some hard cash through blogging? Well, I  have some good news for you. Blog is becoming a profitable platform for bloggers every day. Whether it be to earn a few extra dollars per week, or generating enough money wash out the need to do part time jobs, there are tens of thousands of bloggers who make money blogging. Here are some good advice you can use to start earning from you very own blogs.


You can go for Google Adsense. I have them all set to show image and text based ads and find that 250×300 pixel ads work best. You wont be lucky with their ‘referrals’ program much, but their normal ads work a treat and continue to be the biggest earner for me.

Affiliate programs

I successfully run a few affiliate programs on my blogs. Majority of which bring in smaller amounts of money that don’t really justify a category of their own.

The awesome thing about these programs is that they are of such high quality that they sell themselves and I am receiving emails from readers who sign up to them to thank for the recommendation.

E-Book sell

If you publish quality articles in your blog, you may have a group of loyal readers who are ready to accept whatever you say. So if you’ve established yourself as an expert in your blog’s topic, then there is a healthy chance readers will want to read more from you even what is outside of your blog. You can take advantage of that position by writing an e-book and offering it for sale on your blog.

Continuity Programs

A continuity program is a site where you earn a recurring income from people who subscribe to a service you offer. It is one of the newest categories to make money.

Professional Blogging

Today many blogs and blog networks are hunting excellent article writers to author their blogs and most of them are paying a handsome amount. You can apply to blogging jobs to increase your income from blogs!

Articles that might be helpful for you:

Website Lists That Can Help You to Boost Your Website’s SEO

Monetize Your Blog with Sponsored Ads and Posts Through SocialSpark

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