
How to Retrieve Hacked WordPress Website

You are sure to get nervous when WordPress like other software’s will break down and trouble. This malfunctions may occur due to improper functioning of plug-ins, issues created by database, corruption if files or other similar problems. Data or any other content won’t be affected

oDesk Skill Test – Helps You to Get Hired!

If you are a new oDesk contractor, then my suggestion would be to give various oDesk skill tests that you are expert of and try to bid regularly after that.  It will increase your potential to be get hired.  Giving the skill tests also mean

Top Myths You Need to Avoid to Earn Online

At this very moment earning online is a hot trend on the internet. Most of the people are getting wrong ideas about this topics from various sources. I want to clear some facts before you want to start your earning online venture. I am not

How to Create a Single Post RSS Feed in WordPress

Due to the increasing popularity of the blogging platform, WordPress has now moved more into a full featured CMS (content management system). For this reason it has enriched itself with lots of cool features. Many extra ordinary features have been added that have made it

Mizanur Rahaman Mizan

oDesk – Beginners Guide (Only for Newbies!)

UPDATE: oDesk is now Upwork! I hope all of you who came to read my article already heard of oDesk a lot. But  what it is and why this site is used I think you probably don’t know. Even if you know you don’t have