WordCamp Pokhara 2018 – My talks and shared resources

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Hello everyone, in this blog post I am going to share my very first WordCamp participating journey with you. And by the grace of Almighty, it was also my first WordCamp as a speaker. I have been selected as a speaker in WordCamp Pokhara 2018 which was also the very first WordCamp for WordPress Pokhara. So it was a historical event for me and most of the participant of this WordCamp. Besides, I have never visited the beautiful country Nepal in my entire life before this event. So It was a win-win situation for me in every aspect.

I am going to write a separate blog post on my journey and what I have done in Nepal. In this blog post, I am going to focus on my Talk and shared resources. My talk is about “Contributing to the WordPress Repository in a smart way

From the topic description of my WordCamp Pokhara talks:

WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System and it has a market share of over 25% of the World’s website. WordPress.Org community is by far the best in the web industry. WordPress.Org repository is maintained voluntarily by the contributors around the world. So, sometimes it is quite difficult to sync everything together. WordPress.Org item submission needs some extra care. In this talk, I would like to share a guided walk through how to submit an item to the WordPress repository so that it doesn’t stick a long time for reviewing and when it is reviewed it will be live with less or no effort. I will mention the most common mistakes done by the submitted both in theme and plugin repository. I will also encourage the developer to join the review team in order to shorten the waiting period of time. Reviewing is fun and educational. We learn a lot by reviewing others code and analyzing them will help us to grow also. I will also cover the basics and common issues that a reviewer should know. More could be found at https://2018.pokhara.wordcamp.org/speaker/mizanur-rahaman-mizan/ and https://2018.pokhara.wordcamp.org/speakers/

Shared Resources at WordCamp Pokhara:

Here I am embedding my slide for the WordCamp Pokhara.

My Talks video:

Things You need to Start Checking your Item and/or reviewing Items :

I have added a GitHub repository where you will get the thing I am using to check my themes and review items. It will be updated regularly. So you can favorite or watch it.

Link: https://github.com/mizpress/theme-check-resources

How to submit and review Items – Video Walkthrough:

I am going to add a video here soon. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get all the videos posted by me.

YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/mizpresstv

Update: I have added the setup I use to check my theme and review other’s theme. I have uploaded it here.


A video walkthrough on how to set it up:

I will add more information to this article. So please bookmark it. Till then, take care. God bless you all.

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