Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Explained

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This article is  written focusing to help the novice webmasters or website owners to learn the terms SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You will find it boring yet informative if you already know something about SEO. If you are an expert just ignore the post!

You are a great website designer or you just designed your site using one of best designer! and you believe that your website is offering useful information to the visitors or your prospective clients. As your content is informative and very useful you thought that you are going to have a huge number of visitors just popping in your website from the web. But nothing happened as expected! getting very low traffic. This is happening because you haven’t done the very important part for your website which will give you huge traffic – Search Engine Optimization in short SEO.

I believe you already know what is searching and search engine. There are thousands of search engine available around the WWW. Google, Bing, Yahoo Search are the most famous and popular ones amongst those.  Now if someone wants to learn html and don’t have any idea where s/he gonna get it, then probably s/he will write “html tutorial” and going to search it . Now assume that you have a website which contains html tutorials.  If someone writes “html tutorial” in Google and get your website at the first page or even in the first position that would be awesome, right. I can assure you that if your site comes to the first position for the person who searched “html tutorial” definitely going to be visited by him. Now there was millions/billions of websites which already have the same content like you but your site came in the first position. The tactics and techniques which helped your site to come in the top position is known as SEO.

We can categorize SEO in 2 types-

1. On page SEO (The SEO that done inside the web page through title, Keyword etc.)

২. Off Page SEO (The SEO done outside of your website. e.g Blog commenting , forum posting etc.)

We can also define SEO into another 2 types-


Paid SEO:  If you search in Google you have probably noticed that in the top or in the side bar you see some different colored text (In general light brown). These are paid SEO result/ Sponsored Links.  You need to pay to Google to show your site in the top using this method.

Organic SEO: The remaining links are the result of Organic SEO. It also known as Algorithmic SEO as Google pulls out the site using the various SEO factors.

Organic SEO is the way to survive in the web world to achieve huge traffic.

This is my very first SEO article for you guys. I will be writing lots of Series SEO tutorials and tricks based articles that I use to do SEO for my site and also for my valued clients. If you want to hire me, just contact me :). Don’t forget to comment your thought. Give your advice about my writings to improve it 😀

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