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Mizanur Rahaman Mizan

I am Mizanur Rahaman Mizan – A dreamer from south east Asia. My country that makes me always feel proud is Bangladesh, a country with lots of potential to be a best social and economically advanced country in the world.

I am a computer science and engineering post graduate. My major interest is software engineering specially web based application. I am employee in a company named TechnoCrews (actually I have founded this little ITES firm). I am also an educationist and I lecture Computer Science and Engineering and also Information Technology related subjects at UITS.

My life motto is to dream about positive achievements and help other to dream for better life in all aspects of life. My favorite quote in bangla “Ami sopnochari, sopner feriwala…. ami sonpno dekhte bhalobashi and dekhate bhalobashi.. bastobayon korte chai — korate chai”

I am a bit emotional . actually I live in emotions .. One day I want to see all around me all happy faces who have no fear of poverty and hunger and they are truly educated not only traditional but also spiritual education. One day InshAllah my dream will come into reality …

Waiting to see a borderless world with bond of divine friendship without any condition or racism. I know and believe it will. Definitely its closer.

I am going to share my knowledge and professional experience with you guys in this website. I will also have some guest bloggers to post here their views too. Some of my friends also going to contribute regularly. You gonna be astonished seeing my friends. They are better, successful than me!

Find me at Facebook, Facebook Page for Mizpress, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest. Email me using the contact form.

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