How to choose the perfect trainning to be a Freelancer

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To be a successful Professional Freelancer, one must identify the skill(s) first that s/he is expert of.

Skills have to be something that are sale-able, e.g.

  1. Can you sing, dance, draw well?
  2. Do you understand British Accent and/or communicate with UK citizens easily?
  3. How is your translation skill?
  4. How is your computer skill?
  5. How is your writing skill?
  6. How is your commercial sense?
  7. Do you have good design sense?


Then s/he need to identify what they like to do most? It can be anything like watching TV or Movies is not bad. If someone think that s/he is a Romance Specialist, that’s also not a problem!  If s/he can write well, then s/he can be a movie review blogger or Relationship Blogger. To identify what you like best, answer the following questions:

  1. Which work you will do it for free even though it has high price?
  2. Even after doing the job for continuous 14 hours, you do not feel stressed and sometime forget you did not have dinner
  3. What satisfies you most, even if you are doing a stressful job?
  4. What you know best that others don’t and enjoy it throughout the whole process?


Once you have identified the skills and interest, merge them, and try to formalize a career. e.g. I know someone who liked kids, but had a boring career in call centers. But, that person now teaches kids online and really did not leave the skills. Again for me, I was always interested about the internet, especially I love to read and write though I am from Computer Science background, and interest is by becoming a Internet Marketer with good writing skills. I am now a successful freelance writer and also I am doing what I have learnt- building online applications!


Once you know what you want, then you can  go on learning from the most expert teacher of the world – Google. Just get the idea then go for training. I personally think that without any idea, every training is a waste of money. Because, most people, even me can not get the whole message from the training at the first time. You need to do it again and again and need to brainstorm in order to have the ultimate success. But still you need training other than Google find out someone who offers free counseling first. Then if you think s/he is perfect for you, then just drop in his class and be the expert!

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